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car losing antifreeze

Find all the information you need about car losing water but no . very cold night over xmas ie. -15C the next day my car was overheating. I did have anti-freeze in the .


Best Answer: OK my guess would be the water pump it has a leak/seep hole for when it starts to go bad or is bad. from the sounds of it the amount you loose .

Auto Repair Tips & Advice > Fluids, Heat & Air Conditioning. My cooling system keeps losing coolant, but I don't see any leaks. Where is it going?

Why Is My Car Leaking Antifreeze?. Cars are not supposed to leak antifreeze, also known . Losing Antifreeze With No Apparent Leak. Whenever a vehicle loses antifreeze, also .

Losing coolant its in the oil no overheating no leak? . Generally, when you find anti-freeze in your oil, it is . Overheating Issue Click to Play How to Check Your Car .

Best Answer: It could be either a blown head gasket, or a bad intake manifold gasket. . go to a radiator shop

car losing antifreeze

and have them do a pressure check, if no .


car losing antifreeze water, no visable leaks, car overheating. 1998 buick century, v6

Losing Antifreeze With No Apparent Leak. Whenever a vehicle loses antifreeze . sweet smell inside or outside of a car is a sure sign that the car is leaking antifreeze.

After the car is warmed up, there is a heavy smell of anti-freeze coming from the engine . car losing antifreeze I have been losing a quart of antifreeze every about every 140 miles . car losing antifreeze

New cars put the antifreeze level marks on the overflow tank next to the radiator. . But I
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